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A member registered Feb 26, 2023

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Ok, then I'll add the changes on Apr 1

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for the advice! I made those changes, it seems like the recompile button is gone. The padding is also gone. Sorry I didn't really look into this before because mine was a last minute submission. Anyway, is there a judging or voting period in this jam? Because if that's the case, I can't add the updated files before that period. Otherwise, I'll add the changes right away.

Again, thanks so much!

Edit: I also added some background music and sfx for the bullet.

Ah no, I love the difficulty personally, I'm just bad lol

I did, I couldn't beat it with that as well. I spent my whole time sabotaging him that I didn't work on my own piece lol

I know this is an old game and there's almost no point commenting now, but you have some really original ideas for games! The music and the jumpscare at the end really helped with the atmosphere.

This is a really unique game! I was lured in by the first level. The second level is so much harder, I didn't beat it lol. And I absolutely love the sabotage mechanic you added into this. Makes it so much more interesting than it already is! Great game!

This is amazing! It's so polished and you even added a whole boss battle. It gives me the old Space Invaders vibes. Love it!

Thank you so much! I never expected someone to call this great wow. This is my first game I've ever sent in for a jam. There aren't even any sound fx or music lol. But thanks again!